Game-Changing Technology
A growing hydrogen economy supports a vast and expanding network of U.S. companies with existing expertise in energy production and advanced manufacturing, as well as a growing class of energy disrupters.
Hydrogen Energy Cuts Carbon & Creates Jobs
In the debate about renewables, good-paying jobs, economic security, and climate protection, hydrogen has the power to fuel us toward one shared goal: a stronger economy and cleaner environment.
As you formulate America’s energy policy, understand why hydrogen is vital to our clean energy mix. The costs of hydrogen and fuel cell production will continue to fall as investment, research, and development grows, making hydrogen an abundant, accessible, game-changing technology. It’s here today and critical for tomorrow.
Take Action
Craft common sense regulations that allow us to drive the U.S. hydrogen industry forward, spur job growth instead of impeding it and meet our clean energy goals.
More than 50 Companies and Organizations call on the Treasury Department to Implement 45V Tax Credits Without Additionality Requirements
FCHEA Comments on Implementation of Section 45V Credit for Production of Clean Hydrogen
FCHEA Comments on Implementation of Section 48(c) Energy Storage Credit
We can rebuild and revitalize the economy and accelerate American innovation.
A thriving hydrogen economy will generate billions in revenue up and down the value chain and create millions of high-quality jobs both entry-level and higher-paying, providing new skills and financial support to millions of American workers.
Learn more about hydrogen energy economic benefits:
Hydrogen energy is a critical part of the climate challenge solution, now and in the future.
Transportation is responsible for more than a third of all U.S. carbon emissions. By 2050, greater fuel cell deployment could reduce emissions in this sector by 30% and lower NOx emissions by 36%. Hydrogen fuel cells are already replacing carbon-intensive fuels in the transportation and power sectors, and new innovations are unlocking low-carbon hydrogen energy for some of the most difficult-to-decarbonize sectors. Hydrogen also offers back-up power and energy storage solutions for the intermittency challenges of other renewable energy sources like wind and solar.
Learn more about hydrogen energy climate and emissions benefits:
By 2050 Hydrogen Will Lead To…
generated per year
reduction in
carbon emissions
supported jobs
America leads the world in developing innovative solutions to tough challenges.
As the industry continues to mature, the U.S. has an opportunity to establish itself as a leader in the global hydrogen economy. Hydrogen offers a unique solution to drive deep emissions reductions in energy-intensive, hard-to-decarbonize sectors, including shipping, aviation, and industrial applications like steel manufacturing.
Learn more about hydrogen technology and innovation:
Hydrogen energy can increase the resilience, reliability, and security of our energy ecosystem.
At a time when extreme weather-induced power outages are increasingly impacting communities across the country, the need for a more resilient and reliable U.S. energy system is clear. Hydrogen and fuel cells can help reinforce clean energy grids by providing long-term energy storage options and by offering dependable, cost-effective backup power. Hydrogen energy and fuel cells can also enhance energy security in the transportation sector, reducing petroleum imports and supplying a dependable, domestically produced source of energy.
Learn more about hydrogen energy resilience and security:

For over 30 years FCHEA has provided a consistent industry voice to policymakers and regulators, driving support at the federal and state level. Our educational efforts promote the environmental and economic benefits of hydrogen energy and fuel cell technologies.