National Hydrogen Fuel Cell Day

10th Annual National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day

National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day was created to help raise awareness of a clean energy technology that is here now. October 8th (10.08) was chosen in reference to the atomic weight of hydrogen (1.008)

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day

The Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA), its members, industry organizations, and state and federal governments commemorate National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day with a variety of activities and events across the country.

As we get closer to October 8th, we will share announcements, activities, and events that celebrate National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day!

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Day So Far

This has already been an incredible decade for the hydrogen sector as over the last two years Congress and the Biden Administration have supported the growth of the industry through critical financial provisions, research funds, and deployment programs. The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed into law on November 15, 2021, includes $9.5 billion for clean hydrogen-specific programs, including $8 billion to deploy Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs. The Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law August 16, 2022, includes a wide array of tax credits and grant funding that will drive investment and deployment across the industry. This includes the creation of the Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit, which FCHEA long championed and would provide a ten-year incentive for production based on carbon intensity. FCHEA is incredibly grateful to the support shown by both Congress and the Administration and excited for the growth that is already taking place across the country.

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Offers Benefits for:

The Economy

The Environment

Tech & Innovation

Energy Security & Resiliency

Supporters can download and print copies of the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day logo. These can be used on posters, t-shirts, hand-outs, pamphlets, news releases, and other materials.

Hydrogen Infographic

Hydrogen Energy Cuts Carbon & Creates Jobs

In the debate about renewables, good-paying jobs, economic security, and climate protection, hydrogen has the power to fuel us toward one shared goal: a stronger economy and cleaner environment.

As you formulate America’s energy policy, understand why hydrogen is vital to our clean energy mix. The costs of hydrogen and fuel cell production will continue to fall as investment, research, and development grows, making hydrogen an abundant, accessible, game-changing technology. It’s here today and critical for tomorrow.

Hydrogen energy is a critical part of the climate challenge solution, now and in the future.